From NYS Senator Ed Rath:
Dear Neighbor,
I wanted to update you on new legislation I have introduced in the New York State Senate. The bill, S.4691, will establish the “Save our Small Businesses Grant Program.” The program would be funded through the State’s Regional Economic Development Councils. The Councils would also help facilitate and implement the program.
Hair salons, bowling alleys, restaurants, and many small businesses are struggling at no fault of their own. That is why, aiding our small businesses and helping our communities come back stronger is critically important. This bill will help provide much needed financial support for our struggling businesses and strengthen our economy. The small businesses impacted have been a part of our communities for years and deserve our support. We need to help our businesses reopen and rehire as the COVID restrictions begin to lift.
The bill has been submitted to the State Senate Committee on Commerce, Economic Development and Small Businesses for consideration. I will be sure to keep you up to date on any progress being made in passing this crucial legislation.
As always for the most up to date information on everything happening in the New York State Senate, be sure to connect with me on Facebook at